Hôtel Quintessence, Mont-Tremblant, Quebec

Mont Tremblant in Quebec, Canada, is approximately a two hour drive from either Otttawa or Montreal, and about an hour flight by Porter airline from Toronto Island airport. It’s a great little spot that is known for it’s skiiing in winter (rated one of the best places to ski on the east coast), and lots of stuff to do in the summer such as mountain biking, white water rafting, hiking, and so on.

We decided to go for the Victoria Day May long weekend (otherwise known as “Canadian long weekend” since the American long weekend is right after). We stayed at the gorgeous five star boutique hotel called Quintessence Mont Tremblant and is located right next to the main Tremblant village. For activities, other than mainly relaxing by the super nice infinity pool and jacuzzi, we went up to the summit of Mont Tremblant and did some hiking and enjoyed the nice scenery. The views are gorgeous and luckily the weather was perfect for it. The water was still too cool at this time of year but if we come again in the summer we will most likely do some white water rafting and find a place to do some paddle boarding. But I must admit, looking at all the snowless ski runs made me miss skiing and made me make a mental note to do more skiing next winter!

Also, a mention must be made to all the food we had – the French know their food! All the meals at the Quintessence were top notch, and the brunch at both the Quintessence and the Fairmont hotel in the village were amazing. The lobster omelet at the Fairmont (on the a la carte menu, not the buffet) is probably one of the best brunch dishes I’ve ever had! And a tip if you are planning a stay at the Quintessence, the restaurants for dinner close at 9pm so don’t plan to go later than that, and breakfast finishes at 10:30am. At Quintessence, plan to sit on the restaurant’s patio for amazing views of the lake and sunsets.

Enjoy the rest of your week everyone! 🙂

Infinity pool and jacuzzi at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
Infinity pool and jacuzzi at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
Jacuzzi at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
Jacuzzi at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
Balcony at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
Balcony at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
First day getting there- cloudy! Balcony at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
First day getting there- cloudy! Balcony at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
Quick poolside lunch at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant (bunless beef hamburger with salad, and trout, and fois gras on the wooden platter)
Quick low-carb poolside lunch at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant (bunless beef hamburger with salad, and trout, and fois gras on the wooden platter)
Bedroom at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
Bedroom at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
Main window view overlooking Lac Tremblant at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
Main window view overlooking Lac Tremblant at the Quintessence Mont Tremblant
Hiking Mont Tremblant!
Hiking Mont Tremblant!
On the summit of Mont Tremblant!
On the summit of Mont Tremblant!
Infinity pool and jacuzzi at the Quintessence hotel in Mont Tremblant
Infinity pool and jacuzzi at the Quintessence hotel in Mont Tremblant

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